
Update: I haven’t had time to keep theses apps up to date, so none of them are available on the App Store any more.


We are huge LEGO® fans at our house and with our growing collection, I wanted an easy way to 1) keep track of all the sets we already own so we don’t buy duplicates, 2) easily create a list of missing bricks, and 3) be able to “borrow” a brick from another set when a piece is missing. Searching by set number performs a web request to the LEGO® website and pulls down JSON from an undocumented API. Searching by brick number shows all the sets in which that brick appears. Tapping a brick adds it to the Missing list, which simplifies placing an order with multiple bricks (saves on shipping). Building instructions are available to download on demand within a web view (building instructions are not downloaded when a set is added to the collection for obvious reasons).

Salem Parks

This app lists all the city parks in Salem, Oregon. It parses  JSON data from the City of Salem and uses Core Data to store user-favorited parks. It also pulls in photos from the iCloud server with Cloud Kit. In addition, for parks that have been rated on Yelp, it shows the average rating. All the parks are shown on a map view with links to driving directions and the user can enable location services to have the app send a notification whenever the user drives near a park.


This is a simple journal app with password protection (and Touch ID, if your device supports it) and formatting options. A custom calendar view shows which days have an entry. It uses Core Data and syncs across devices with iCloud. Entries can also be exported as a text file.

Simple MedicationLog

I created this basic app to teach myself Objective-C. I wanted a really easy way to track medications I took when I had a cold so I didn’t accidentally double up. All the other medication apps I saw were reminder apps and I just wanted a simple log. It uses Core Data and syncs with iCloud.


I wanted a really easy way to track headaches, like with with 1 or 2 taps. I didn’t like any of the ones I looked at, and it seemed like an easy project so I built my own. It uses CoreData and I pulled in ios-charts for the charts.


I did a complete re-write of HeadacheTrackr because, well, it was more fun than updating it 🙂 . In the process I added a feature to record any notes alongside a headache.

Simple Fingerpainter

This was my first app that I submitted to the App Store. I wanted something really basic, easy to use, with no ads, and free. I have a list of improvements to make to it of course, but my kids actually like it, and that is pretty gratifying!